History of Plastic Recycling | Recycled Plastic

06 May.,2024


History of Plastic Recycling | Recycled Plastic

How to stop plastic waste from destroying the planet   

Plastic is one of the most widely used materials in the world. Its versatility and durability make it ideal for various applications, from consumer goods to agricultural and building materials. However, as the use of plastic has increased, so has the amount of plastic waste produced. The impact of plastic waste on the environment has been widely documented, and communities worldwide are beginning to recognise the importance of reducing waste and promoting sustainability. In response, plastic recycling has become an essential aspect of waste management. It has evolved from a small-scale operation to a global business with complete international reach.

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Plastic recycling comes with an unquestionable list of benefits, such as reducing pollution and conserving resources, and benefits to communities, such as job creation, education and awareness. Still, there are some key challenges and limitations of the industry. Plastic recycling has come a long way, but there is still space for innovation. 

History of plastic recycling

The history of plastic recycling can be traced back to the early 1970s when the first recycling symbol was introduced. The symbol, three arrows chasing each other in a triangle, was designed to help consumers identify which plastic products were recyclable. However, it was in the 1980s that plastic recycling became more prevalent.

During this time, there was a growing concern about the amount of plastic waste generated. In response, recycling programs were established to collect and recycle plastic waste, reducing the amount of plastic in landfills and the environment.

Industrial usage of recycled plastic

Plastic recycling has become an essential aspect of waste management in many industries. One of the most significant applications of recycled plastic is manufacturing new plastic products. Recycled plastic can produce a wide range of products, including packaging materials, construction materials, automotive parts, and consumer goods.

How plastic recycling is changing multiple industries

Plastic recycling has applications in many areas, including packaging, construction, automotive, and consumer goods. The packaging industry uses recycled plastic to produce bottles, containers, and bags. In the construction industry, recycled plastic makes materials such as decking, roofing, and insulation. In the automotive sector, recycled plastic produces dashboards, bumpers, and trims. In the consumer goods industry, recycled plastic produces toys, furniture, and electronics.

How recycled plastic can get back into the supply chain

Recycled plastic is used in many consumer products. One example is the recycled plastic bottle, which is commonly used for beverages and cleaning products. Another example is the recycled plastic bag, widely used in grocery stores and retail outlets. Recycled plastic is also used to manufacture furniture, clothing, and electronics.

Material properties of recycled plastic:

Recycled plastic has properties similar to virgin plastic, but some differences exist. Recycled plastic may have a slightly different colour or texture and may be less durable than virgin plastic. However, recycled plastic is still an excellent alternative to virgin plastic, as it reduces the amount of plastic waste in landfills and the environment.

The unquestionable benefits of plastic recycling:

The advantages of plastic recycling are numerous. One of the most significant advantages is that it reduces the amount of plastic waste in landfills and the environment. Recycling also conserves energy and resources by reducing the need for virgin plastic production. Additionally, recycled plastic can produce a wide range of products, which helps create a circular economy.

The hidden disadvantages of plastic recycling:

While plastic recycling has many advantages, there are also some disadvantages. One of the most significant disadvantages is the cost of recycling, which can be higher than the cost of producing virgin plastic. Additionally, some types of plastic are more challenging to recycle than others, and more infrastructure and technology are often needed to process plastic waste efficiently.

Market Trends and Global Impact

The market for recycled plastic is multiplying, with an increasing demand for sustainable products and packaging. According to a report by Grand View Research, the global recycled plastics market size was valued at USD 37.5 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 5.6% from 2021 to 2028.

The impact of plastic recycling on the environment is also significant, with recycled plastic helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve natural resources. However, there are also challenges to consider, such as the export of plastic waste to developing countries, where it can contribute to pollution and environmental degradation.

How plastic recycling is having a beneficial impact on communities around the world

Developments in the cost of recycling plastic and a change in the global desire to reduce the impact of plastic on the community have seen a significant increase in the number of international communities looking to recycle. This has resulted in several important effects. While there are challenges to overcome, such as the lack of infrastructure and technology, the benefits of plastic recycling can be substantial for communities and the planet as a whole.

  1. Job Creation:

    Recycling plastic can create jobs and stimulate economic development in communities. Recycling facilities require workers to collect, sort, and process plastic waste, providing employment opportunities for residents. Additionally, recycled plastic can produce a wide range of products, creating jobs in industries such as manufacturing and construction.

  2. Environmental Impact:

    Recycling plastic helps to reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills and the environment, reducing pollution and protecting the health of communities. Plastic waste can significantly impact the environment, contributing to air and water pollution and harming wildlife. Recycling plastic helps to mitigate these impacts and create a more sustainable future.

  3. Education and Awareness:

    Recycling plastic can also raise awareness about the importance of waste reduction and environmental protection in communities. Education programs can be implemented to teach residents about the benefits of recycling and how to properly dispose of plastic waste. These programs can help to create a culture of sustainability and environmental stewardship.

  4. Equity and Social Justice:

    Recycling plastic can also positively impact equity and social justice in communities. Access to recycling facilities and programs can help to address environmental injustices and provide equal opportunities for waste reduction and recycling. Additionally, recycled plastic can produce affordable products, increasing access to sustainable goods for low-income communities.

  5. International Trade:

    Recycling plastic can also impact communities through international trade. Plastic waste is often exported to developing countries, where it can contribute to pollution and environmental degradation. However, recycled plastic can be exported to other countries, providing economic opportunities and reducing the demand for virgin plastic production.

We have come a long way, but there is still a place for innovation

The future of plastic recycling looks promising, with advancements in technology and processes that will make recycling more efficient and cost-effective. There is also a growing focus on developing circular economies, where waste is minimised and materials are recycled and reused. Additionally, a growing demand for sustainable products and packaging will drive the demand for recycled plastic.

Plastic recycling has come a long way since its inception, and it is a critical aspect of waste management today. The benefits of plastic recycling are clear, from reducing pollution and conserving resources to creating job opportunities and promoting sustainability. However, the industry faces significant challenges and limitations, including technological constraints and market fluctuations. Despite these challenges, there is hope for plastic recycling, with technological advancements and global initiatives driving the industry towards a more sustainable future. As the world continues to focus on sustainability, the demand for recycled plastic will grow, driving the development of new technologies and processes that will help to create a more circular economy and reduce the impact of plastic waste on the environment.

When Did Americans Start Recycling?

In the 1800s, there were no blue recycling bins, no sorting, no recycling trucks rumbling down the alley. Recycling as we know it didn’t exist. But people were way better at it.

“People recycled far more than we do now,” says Susan Strasser, author of Waste and Want: A Social History of Trash. If the elbows in a shirt wore out, you’d take the sleeves off, turn them inside out, and voila: new shirt. If a dress went out of style, you added new buttons or sent it back to the dressmaker to fashion a trendier frock. Eventually, the fabric would be turned into a quilt or a rag rug or just a rag.

“Before there was municipal solid waste disposal, stuff would pile up in your house if you didn’t reuse it,” Strasser points out. “In addition, people who made things had an understanding of the value of material goods that we don’t have at all. Literally, if everything you wore, sat on, or used in your house was something you made or your mother or uncle or the guy down the street made, you had a very different sense of value of material goods.”

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Household manuals even featured discussions on how to repair glass, including using garlic as glue, she says.

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Rag pickers of Paris, France, circa 1892.

The closest 19th-century equivalent to modern-day recycling? The ragman, Strasser says. The ragman went from house to house to buy old cloth for an international trade in rags to make into paper. Railroads largely put an end to the door-to-door rag collecting.

When garbage pickup started in the late 19th century, many cities separated reusable trash from garbage designated for a landfill. Just like today, workers sorted via conveyor belts as early as 1905. The cities sold the reusable trash to industries. And many individuals saved their organics to feed to animals.

But by the 1920s, source separation wasn’t happening. By then, not much was being recycled apart from metal at scrapyards.

“But really there was a relatively short period of time that people didn’t recycle,” Strasser says.

Recycling: From World War II to the 1960s

Hulton Archive/Getty Images

An early 1940s poster entitled 'Wanted For Victory' depicts a family as they sort 'waste paper, old rags, scap metals, [and] old rubber' for reuse in the war efforts.

During World War II, people recycled nylons, tin cans, cooking fats and even the tin in toothpaste tubes for the war effort.

And by the 1960s, the first recycling programs linked to people’s concern for the environment started popping up, says Martin Melosi, author of Fresh Kills: A History of Consuming and Discarding in New York City. That’s when Rachel Carson and others were pushing the science of ecology and Lyndon B. Johnson started passing a lot of environmental legislation.

“As the environmental movement begins to take hold on a national scale, recycling was seen as a personal manifestation of helping the environment,” Melosi says. “There was a sense of connection to the environment, similar to how it is now for my grandkids,” he says.

In the early days of environmentally-bent recycling, the few people who did it carted everything to private recycling centers.

“It wasn't practical for the whole population, and people who were driving cars to bring stuff to recycling centers were polluting in a different way,” Melosi says.

Full Landfills Prompt Curbside Recycling in 1970s

Joe Sohm/Visions of America/Universal Images Group/Getty Images

A woman recycling plastics in separate recycling containers at the Santa Monica Recycling Center, California, 1992.

Beyond the do-gooders, though, most people in the throw-away society of the time didn’t think too much about preservation or reducing use...until landfills started filling up in the 1970’s.

“Landfilling was the most popular form of disposal after World War II,” Melosi says, and recycling is a way to reduce tipping the balance. “It takes things out of the waste stream, preserving landfill space. So recycling begins to have an economic and strategic role, different from just saving the environment.”

Curbside recycling programs solved the convenience issue, although the prevalence varied from city to city. In 1960, just over 6 percent of municipal solid waste was recycled. Since then, recycling rates have increased to about 10 percent in 1980; 16 percent in 1990; 29 percent in 2000, and over 32 percent in 2023. That’s helped decrease the amount of waste going to landfills from 94 percent in 1960 to 52 percent of the amount generated in 2018.

This Day In History: 04/22/1970 - The First Earth Day

The concept of Zero Waste took hold in the new millennium, challenging people to produce less waste by considering the front end of the problem—the disposable products people use instead of just the back end. Most waste-producing companies that were happy to support recycling didn’t hop on board the Zero Waste idea. Producing goods that leave a small environmental footprint is extremely challenging, Melosi says, and requires a complete culture shift.

“It’s fundamentally difficult to do,” he says.

Still, in some cases, the 19th century lessons have even become trendy: Rag paper is a popular choice for wedding invitations.

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