Plastic vs Paper Packaging: The Pros and Cons

22 Jul.,2024


Plastic vs Paper Packaging: The Pros and Cons


Plastics came into existence by accident in , but it grew popular around the s when high-density polyethylene was created. Plastics are made from fossil fuels which is clearly a non-renewable source. It is estimated that 4% of the world&#;s oil production is used as feedstock to make plastics, so this means plastic is often viewed as poor material in terms of renewability and sustainability.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website EcoPlas.

However, it's not all doom and gloom with plastic. In recent times various reports from credible sources such as McKinsey have come out that plastic also brings certain benefits compared to other materials such as paper. The most sustainable approach is to look at the bigger picture, compare the pros and cons of the material and see them in the context of what situation the material is used. 

The Plastic Pro&#;s

Although they are bad for the environment, there are a number of reasons why some may find plastics difficult to give up. These are as follows:

  • Low costs: Plastic is the cheapest out of all common packaging materials.
  • Excellent Durability: Plastics do not break or get damaged easily and can withstand falls or slight trauma without damage so provides great protection. Plastic packaging often does not get damaged when stacked on top of each other, making transportation of products easier.
  • Long lasting: Plastic takes about a thousand years to break down, they can last for extensive periods without damage. However, as much as this is a pro, it is also a con.
  • Light weight: Most plastic materials weigh almost nothing when compared to alternatives such as glass and wood, which is great in reducing the footprint when transporting products that are packaged with plastics.
  • Great versatility: Plastic packaging has many forms that can vary from flexible and adaptable to sturdy and resilient types like plastic containers.
  • Low GHG footprint: McKinsey tested plastic and non-plastic alternatives to look at the impact. Among applications for which nonplastic alternatives are used at scale, the plastics examined in their research offered lower total GHG contribution compared with alternatives in approximately 90% of cases.

The Plastic Con&#;s

Plastics may provide a number of easy advantages for businesses as mentioned above, but this does not mean the cons should be disregarded.

Plastic production is around 381 million tons and 5 trillion or more pieces of plastic are polluting the waters around the world. However, more consumers are demanding recycled content in plastic which is driving accelerated progress in recycling plastics. Some additional cons include:

  • Dependency on Fossil Fuels: Plastic is primarily derived from fossil fuels, such as petroleum and natural gas. This contributes to carbon emissions and dependence on non-renewable resources.
  • Single-use nature: A significant portion of plastic packaging is designed for single-use purposes, leading to excessive waste generation and resource consumption.
  • Long lasting: As mentioned in the pro&#;s, it can take thousands of years to fully degrade, which is harmful to the environment when it does not end up in the recycling scheme.
  • Non-biodegradable: Most plastics are not biodegradable, which means they persist in the environment and can accumulate over time, adding to the pollution in seas and other habitats across the world.
  • Chemical Leaching: Some types of plastic packaging, especially those made with certain additives, can pose potential health risks when used around food and beverages.

Innovations in plastic recycling

It&#;s no surprise that plastic waste has become a global concern due to its impact on the environment and human health. However, advancements in plastic recycling technologies offer promising solutions to tackle this issue. Let&#;s explore some of these innovations and how they can improve the recyclability of plastic packaging.

Chemical recycling

One notable breakthrough in plastic recycling is chemical recycling. Unlike traditional mechanical recycling, which involves melting and reforming plastic, chemical recycling breaks down plastic into its molecular components. This process allows for the conversion of plastic waste back into its original building blocks, which can then be reused to produce new plastic products. Chemical recycling has the potential to recycle a wider range of plastic types, including mixed or contaminated plastics that would otherwise be challenging to recycle mechanically without separating beforehand.

Advanced sorting systems

Sorting plastic waste effectively is crucial for efficient recycling, especially with plastic packaging. Advanced sorting systems, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic technologies, have revolutionised the recycling industry. These systems can accurately identify and separate different types of plastic based on their composition, colour, and shape. By automating the sorting process, these technologies increase recycling efficiency, minimise human error, and enhance the quality of recycled plastic.


Depolymerisation is another innovative technique that breaks down plastic into its monomers or basic chemical units. By using heat or solvents, plastic polymers are disassembled, allowing for the recovery of valuable monomers. These monomers can then be used as raw materials for producing new plastic products without losing their quality. Depolymerisation shows promise in enabling the recycling of plastics that are difficult to recycle through conventional methods.


If for your company the pro&#;s outweigh the con&#;s, then it might be an option to consider bioplastics. Bioplastics are made from biodegradable sources such as vegetables, rice, and other organic and plant-based compounds.

Similar to other plastics, bioplastics are not currently recyclable, but they do break down much quicker than regular plastics, provided they are properly composted at in-home compost heaps or in extensive industrial compost facilities.

Bioplastics are usually much more efficient and eco-friendly than normal plastics and help contribute to the reducing of pollution.

At Swiftpak, we would recommend trying our polylactic acid (PLA) packaging as it is made from the renewable source, cornstarch, and so decomposes well in the presence of acids. PLA can be used for grocery bags, food packaging, thermal insulation as well as for medical applications.

PE Film Design Guidance


Polyethylene mono-material flexible packaging

Pure polyethylene, bio-based or not, is compatible with flexible films collection streams and easily recycled into a variety of end use applications, including new flexible films, composite lumber, and other molded plastic products. As the supply stream includes a mixture of grades of PE, individual packages may also be comprised of various PE grades, as defined by ISO 472: &#; HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, MDPE, VLDPE. Special grades of PE available in the industry like plastomers, mLLDPE, ULDPE and others are also included as &#;Preferred&#;.

Based on APR company data and evaluation by the APR Film Committee, EVA copolymers designed for film extrusion are included in the &#;Preferred&#; category at any weight percent, provided the VA (vinyl acetate) levels are 5% or less of the total package weight.

One company has received Critical Guidance Recognition for a branded ionomer copolymer intended for use in film extrusion. Based on the chemical similarity of ethylene copolymer ionomers and this data, it has been demonstrated that ethylene copolymer ionomers do not affect recyclability performance when used up to 20% in PE formulations. For that reason, ethylene copolymer ionomers designed for film extrusion are also listed as &#;Preferred&#; when used below 20% in weight of the total package.

PB (polybutenes) are also typically used in small fractions on PE &#;easy peel&#; film formulations that are currently recycled in the industry with no adverse effects. For this reason, PB is accepted in the &#;Preferred&#; category up to 5% in weight.

A minimum of 90% PE and copolymers by weight of the total packaging structure is preferred for full compatibility with a PE mechanical recycling process, in order to maintain the quality and value of the final recyclate. This is the guideline threshold to be strived for, but not an absolute rule. Ethylene copolymers like the ones mentioned above or even other-than-PE materials can be listed in this category above 10% after proper recyclability testing based on the APR Critical Guidance Protocol.

Postconsumer PE content

The use of PCR PE in all packages is encouraged to the maximum amount technically and economically feasible.


Less than 90% PE

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit pcr plastic pros and cons.

Structures with 80-90% PE and copolymers by weight of the total package may present technical challenges for the recycler&#;s yield, productivity, or final product quality. They are considered detrimental until tested and film designers should refer to the other sections of this document for more specific guidelines.


PET, PVC, PVDC, Paper, Aluminum foil or degradable polymers

These polymers lead to the contamination of polyolefin recycling streams. They drastically reduce the quality of recycled polyolefins and they can disturb the recycling process.

PET is incompatible with polyethylene and copolymers from the chemical and rheological standpoints. It melts at significantly higher temperatures and it is known to cause film defects (&#;unmelts&#;) that compromise film quality.

PVC and PVDC layers degrade at low temperatures rendering large portions of the recycled PE unusable.

Paper or aluminum-foil-containing materials are not suitable for recycling within the polyolefin stream and cause problems for the recycling process.

Degradable polymers (photo, oxo, or bio): Recycled film is intended to be reused into new products. The new products are engineered to meet particular quality and durability standards given properties of typical recycled film. Polymers designed to degrade by definition diminish the life of the material in the primary use. If not removed in the recycling process, these polymers also shorten the useful life of the product made from the recycled film, possibly compromising quality and durability. Degradable polymers include PLAs, PHAs, PHBs, PHVs, PBS, cellulose acetate, starch-based polymers and others. They should not be confused with degradable additives, which are covered in another section of this document. 


Less than 80% PE

Structures with less than 80% PE of the total package will likely affect the overall yield of the respective PE mechanical recycling process and could negatively impact the recycled plastic quality. For that reason, they should be tested to determine the appropriate APR recyclability category.



Blends, coextrusion or lamination of PE and other resins designed to enhance properties in the intended first use with unknown residual effects in future uses of the recovered resin

Non-PE layers or blend components at any level (%) require testing to determine the appropriate APR recyclability category, since these layers are not removed in the film recycling process. They enter the extrusion stage of the process with the base material where they are either melted and blended with the PE or remain solid and are filtered from the melted product.

Testing must show that unfilterable layers have no adverse effect on the recycled PE in future uses. These include:
&#; EVOH
&#; PVOH
&#; Nylon (PA)
&#; Polypropylene (PP)

The above materials may be acceptable at small weight percentages of the total film but only testing can determine this. 

Several compatibilizers are available on the market that may, if used correctly, allow a non-compatible material to blend with PE without negative effects. This has been successfully demonstrated for specifically formulated films including EVOH and nylon. Providers of these solutions must present evidence of effective compatibilization by testing the specific formulation of the film and pursuing critical guidance or benchmark validation from APR. One company has received Critical Guidance Recognition for a two-layer PE based film including an EVOH coextruded film with tie layers and a compatibilizer, and scavenging additive.

Any other material combination not mentioned above, with or without compatibilizers, at any level (%) needs further testing to qualify for recycling with the polyolefin stream. A few examples include:
&#; COC
&#; PS
&#; EPCs
&#; PB (above 5%)
&#; Engineering thermoplastics (PBT&#;s, PC&#;s, etc.)
&#; Crosslinked polymer layers (chemically, EBeam or UV)
&#; Elastomeric materials
&#; Nonwoven (Tyvek® and others)
&#; Other fiber-based materials

One company has received Critical Guidance Recognition for a multi-layer PE film including COC content.

Some PE additional copolymer categories also require testing, for example:
&#; Acid copolymers (EAA & EMAA)
&#; Ester copolymers (EMA, EEA, EBA)
&#; Ionomers (above 20%)

Tie resins/layers are typically grafted-polyethylene copolymers used to bond incompatible layers on coextruded or laminated films. They are not required to undergo testing independently, but only to validate recyclability of the incompatible-to-PE materials listed above.



Are you interested in learning more about Recycled Plastic Products? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!